Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Turn The Tides Into Energy

Turn The Tides Into Energy
Tidal turbines are very much like underwater windmills except the rotors are driven by consistent, fast-moving currents.

The submerged rotors harness the power of the marine currents to drive generators, which in turn produce electricity. Height differences between high and low tides create tidal currents in coastal areas, and these currents can be strong enough to drive turbines.

Water is 832 times denser than air and so tidal turbine rotors can be much smaller than wind turbine rotors, they can be used much closer together and still generate equivalent amounts of electricity. Devices that harness marine current energy present a unique set of engineering challenges in terms of design, installation and maintenance.

Tides could provide an infinitive source of clean energy. Learn how to transform the power into electricity.

This video describes three different ways of generating electrical power from water waves.


* Renewable - Tidal Energy is a renewable energy source. This energy source is a result of the gravitational fields from both the sun and the moon, combined with the earth's rotation around its axis, resulting in high and low tides. Compared to fossil fuels or nuclear reserves, the gravitational fields from the sun and the moon, as well as the earth's rotation around its axis won't cease to exist any time soon.

* Green - Tidal power is an environmentally friendly energy source. In addition to being a renewable energy, it does not emit any climate gases and does not take up a lot of space.

* Predictable - High and low tides develop with well-known cycles, making it easier to construct the system with right dimensions, since we already know what kind of powers the equipment will be exposed to.

* Work at Low Speeds - Water has a 832 times higher density than air, which makes it possible to generate electricity at low speeds.

* Long Lifespans reduce the cost these power plants can sell their electricity, making tidal energy more cost-competitive. The tidal barrage power plant La Rance was opened in 1966 and still generates large amounts of electricity.


* Environmental Effects - The effects of tidal power plants on the environment are not completely determined yet.

* Close to Land - Tidal power plants need to be constructed close to land.

* Expensive - Methods for generating electricity from tidal energy are relatively new technologies. It is projected that tidal power will be commercially profitable within 2020 with better technology and larger scales.


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