Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wind Energy Advantages And Disadvantages

Wind Energy Advantages And Disadvantages
Susan asks...WIND ENERGY? Hi, I need help on information about WINDENERGY please. Q1) How is ENERGY obtained from WINDENERGY?Q2) What are the ADVANTAGESAND disasvantages of WINDENERGY?Q3) Any examples that use WINDENERGY.Q4) Any other information about WINDENERGY (Optional). Thank You Very Much For Your Help!WINDMILL FARMS ANSWERS: !) wind causes tubine to spinwhich drvies a dynamo inside which produces electricity 2)advantages - no carbon emissions, everlasting disadvantages - need lots of turbines to be worth while, therefore lots of space, only works on a windy day3)wind farms4)Although wind currently produces just over 1% of world-wide electricity use, it accounts for approximately 19% of electricity production in Denmark, 9% in Spain and Portugal, and 6% in Germany and the Republic of Ireland hope it helped =) Paul asks...CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME THE ADVANTAGES,DISADVANTAGES AND PRACTICAL USES OF WIND ENERGY FAST? it's for a physics project. need help fast.10points?WINDMILL FARMS ANSWERS: Advantages-non polluting, "free" energy,disadvantages-requires climate of fairly constant winds-expensive to store when there isn;t wind. Effects birds enviroment- expensive towers to capture-lots of land area required, maintainance of towers. In california near palm springs on I 10 there a huge wind station. Basically its mild desert with near constant high winds. They put up 1000s of towers. Most places don't have nearly free useless desert land with good winds, that are near enough to populated cities. Otherwise it a great energy source Jenny asks...WHAT ARE SOME ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF USING SOLAR ENERGY, WIND ENERGY, AND HYDROELECTRIC ENERGY? helpWINDMILL FARMS ANSWERS: Solar Energy:For us to MASS-PRODUCE it, meaning our reliance on it is like more than 50% of the whole world population, we would need to clear off large areas of land to put the solar panels there.Advantage- Eco-friendlyWind Energy:Same with solar power, if we use it too much, then it can affect weather systems, and affect birds migratory system, because they'll be chopped up if we put our wind turbines in their migratory pathAdvantage- Cheap, eco-friendlyHydro:Destroys water ways, thus weakens our eco-system because the species of some places need the water from the river, but once that river is blocked, then they have no water.Ecofriendly Donna asks...WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF WIND ENERGY?WINDMILL FARMS ANSWERS: The advantages would be that it is a 100% clean source of energy. It would also create hundreds of thousands of new jobs in the u.s. The disadvantages are that a wind farm requires a very large amount of land in a fairly windy area. Also the amount of energy created by just one wind mill is very minimal. Daniel asks...WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF COLLECTING WIND FOR ENERGY?WINDMILL FARMS ANSWERS: You don't collect it, you use it as it blows by.Large units are expensive.Wind is NOT a constant source as it varies.Does not pollute. Powered by Yahoo! Answers


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