Gujarat has unresponsive Rs 80,000 crore investment furrowed up in solar energy and wind energy which is in-line with what I be aware of would be the next green-power state in the world. This would attach importance to it to be a model state for other regions in India as helpfully. The governement of gujarat has future to add on all sides 7,000 MW of renewable energy in next three to four excitement.
Gujarat is earlier through the top four states using renewable energy, having an installed capability of about 1,400 MW. According to a Dense Standard's dear departed cross-examination with Narendra Modi, he well-known that the state wanted to highlight on renewable energy, esp. solar to constrain the complete issue to Large-scale warming.
The state testify has only this minute improve out with a standalone solar power policy frozen which it proposes to conduct 500 MW of solar power the entire blind date at an settle on proposed law.
"The choice priest had set a blunt of 10% renewable energy for 2014. Calm, looking at the striking policies in wind and solar power, and favourable investment and business weather conditions, we would be able to perform it in 2-3 excitement, leave-taking by the satisfy we are feat," believed a senior testify legitimate. This seems a bit over-optimistism but the way Mr. Modi has pulled up strings in Gujarat, this arise may possibly be plus achieved.
In the solar energy cut up, the state impulsion see investments to the assistance of Rs 45,000 crore.
Eminent Astral Backing Proposals in terms of capability (MW)
Gujarat testify plus offers sweet tariffs of Rs 11 and Rs 13 per unit for solar thermal and PV cells, each. This toll is approved for a reallocate of 12 excitement, as soon as which a toll of Rs 3 per unit is to be had for distinctive reallocate of 13 excitement.In wind power, the state instantly appearance third but is aiming to gorge Maharasthra and Tamil Nadu in the next two to three excitement by generating unresponsive 5,000 Mw of wind power. "Tamil Nadu has touched 4,000 Mw, but has reached a infiltration pepper. It can install impartial about 5,000 Mw. In recent times, Gujarat has an installed capability of 1,500 Mw," a senior legitimate believed.
The state is usual to attractiveness investment to the assistance of Rs 40,000 crore in the wind energy allotment. The bunch that are geographical to intimation MoUs involve Sydney-based Abellon Bioenergy for a 1,000 Mw wind farm project with an investment of Rs 5,500 crore, Suzlon's Rs 9,000 crore investment for producing 1500 MW, NTPC's Rs 3,000 crore investment for 500 MW and Enercon's Rs 3,500 crore project for producing 600 MW of wind power.
Source: Dense Be more or less
Jai Garvi Gujarat!
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Sunday, March 14, 2010
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» Gujarat All Set To Become One Of The Greenest State In India Attracting Huge Investments In Solar Energy
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