Some weeks ago the UK celebrated the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth, a multinational celebration marking the 60th anniversary of the accession of Queen Elizabeth II to the thrones. In conmemoration of this anniversary, a designers company from The USA and The Netherlands created the Solar Queen Jubilee Edition, a gadged with Her Majesty's shape, that waves its right hand - imitating the Queen's most famous greetings - thanks to a solar panel attached in its bag - on the left arm-.
Another really quality device is the Solar Powered Aluminium Cyclist, a corporative desk ornament. Once its solar panels uk are hited by the sun, the cyclist starts moving. Need more info?
If you are looking for some more solar-girly, you can always the UV Colour Changing Sunny Beads, a bracelet that changes the colour in sunlight because it's made from a special reversible photo chromic material. This material changes its chemical structure when exposed to ultraviolet light, like sunlight, allowing it to absorb a coloured pigment or dye. Once out of the sunlight, it becomes colourless again.
And finally, the Solar Power Wind Turbine, a wind turbine powered by the sun! Sunlight hits the back of the wind turbine, that starts moving thanks to solar energy generated. Yeas, another useless but intriguing corporative gadget.
Does any of you have one of these? Are they still funny or they just used to for the first three hours? Whether you have tried one of no, let us know your thoughts! We'd be more than pleased to exchange our opinions about some of the coolest solar gadgets in the UK market!
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